Monday, 20 October 2014

Earn 50 point per survey

Who are they? this is a little different to others,focusing more one social issues and general interest. YouGove poll inclued topics such as politics,public affairs and commercial products. Great if you have big opinions!

Rewards : Chas and prize draws.
Amount persurvey : 50p - £3.00.
Min. Reward thershold : £50.

Our Review :

YouGove is one of the more interesting sites to sign up tobecause of the kinds of surveys they conduct. Most are on current issues that are in the news and they encourage you to express your views.

Surveys can can take up to 30 minutes but are not always that frequent. We received one or two a fortnight,so it can take a few months to hit the threshold. However,you get £1 just for joining and if you get your friends to sign up too you can quickly get lost more point and chas! Earn 50 point per survey ,




,amount per survey

comercial products

,Earn 50 point per survey

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